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Canvas Grades

On the grades page, there were a couple of things I wanted to change to help the page be more functional. This was a page that I found a lot of peers had suggestions for.


I really wanted to put all the options and information in a widget that would scroll with the page on the desktop. This would make the page much more practical rather than having to scroll back and forth.

grades grey.jpg

Again my font size was an issue with my initial grey comp of the desktop. On mobile, I really wanted to put the options in a clickable icon next to your grade. Again allowing it to scroll with the page.

Grades Desktop.jpg
Grades Mobile.jpg

When it came to the desktop I wanted to create the bottom widget that would scroll with the page. This would then grant access to options, grading weight, and your actual grade. I think this works a lot better than scrolling back and forth.

For the Mobile version, I wanted to add collapsable sections so if the student doesn't need to see a certain section they could collapse it. I also put the option under the three-dot icon to clean up the page a little.

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