Canvas Dashboard
This project was to redesign the Canvas student dashboard for desktop and mobile applications. I started by assessing what I thought needed to change on the page and began mapping my thoughts in sketches. Below are is an example of the sketches I did for the mobile page.

After doing this I made some grey composition wireframes in Figma.

My goal here was to put ideas into a page and bring them together in an organized way. Something I learned was that I created more relations between information but still allowed to be separated by leaving the to-do part out of the component.
Eventually, I was able to really bring all of my feedback, and personal thoughts together and put them into my surface comps below.

For the desktop, my focus was to bring everything they had and make it into more of a component type of page. Before they had a lot of scattered pieces of information on the page. My goal was to bring those together and unite information under one component so the student could look at one component and know this information is for this course.
My goal with the mobile redesign was to do the same type of thing on the mobile application. Doing this will allow the application to be the same on all devices. This unity helps new users learn and current users know exactly where to go for what they are looking for on the dashboard.